It has been a rather harangued 24 hours. Yesterday from the wee hours, armed with a clipboard and a bag of shortbread, I was directing removal men, whilst simultaneousy trying to arrange the logistics of getting down to London for fashion's night out, and then booking flights for a weekend in the Vaterland plus locating missing boyfriend, last seen in Perthshire. And no, I don't have a Blackberry, I can manage very well without, Thank you. At 3, the removal men, having run out of 'witty' sexist gags, slunk off to watch the football, and exhausted and dusty, I came home to manically pack and finish my photoalbums for Vater and attempt once again to navigate university registration via 'online portal.' Surprise, surprise ALL my modules clash and every time I get to the final and 7th online step and click 'complete registration', the screen flashes up angrily 'ERROR! ERROR!'. I give up. What happened to the days when you could turn up, stand in a queue and fill out your name and address on a form and then get on with it? Sod it, I'm going to bed. But no, there is one more urgent task to be completed today. A 1000lb (well almost) sofa has to be carried into the house and up the narrow stairs. At 10pm. By 11, I'm back on Amazon, tracking down more french literature texts; I've given up looking for the 'correct' edition, now, anything will do, even if it's 30 years old. Click add to basket. Now, I can go to bed.
I feel like a holiday, so here are some photos from the Europe leg of my trip earlier this year. Enjoy the weekend.
Thermal baths in Budapest
Scenes around the Duomo, Florence
Positano, the Amalfi coast

Portici, Naples

The beach at Nice