12 May 2010


You may wonder why suddenly, after weeks of laziness, I am now incessantly blogging and generally being a bit of a geek.
REVISION is the spanner in the works here, as I'm sure it is for many of you, and I'm just starting to panic ever so SLIGHTLY (!!!!)

On the theme of panicking, you may remember the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' posters which emerged about a year ago, shortly followed by t-shirts, mugs, cards etc etc etc. Well it's all a bit bloody boring now, I much prefer these silly spoofs.

In the wider scheme of things, I feel they're pretty relevant to the current socio-political climate too. After an optimistic start to last thursday night's main political event; the girls and I gathered round the television with too much wine and too many hysterically conflicting views, screeching with laughter at who was the sexiest polito-silver fox and hoping for a dramatic and emotionally highstrung finale come morning. However the endless debacle trickled slowly into the early...then late morning, then afternoon...evening... and it was well and truly time to turn attention to my birthday and since I have just given up on the election entirely.

I think everyone else has too.





jill said...


where did you find these? they're brilliant.

tweeting this post this minute. good luck, don't stress. in 20 years time if i ask you how you did on your exams, trust me, you truly won't remember your grade.


the style crusader said...

this is great! i am right there with you my love. a serious panic is taking place on my end. i think we should round and have a big post-exam celebration... i'm not done until june 16th!! ahh. it feels like forever away!! good luck!! xx

the nyanzi report said...

Now that's real talk.

Lenine said...

"and generally being a bit of a geek" <-- Haha, your posts are keeping me reading'

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